Sunday, January 20, 2013

Who am I?

I feel that my first entry in this blog should be my introduction. Who am I? What am I doing? Or better yet, what is the purpose of this blog?

Well, my name is Eleanor, but I go by Ellie. I am 23 and I am born in raised in Hollywood, California. 

I am a proud Hollywoodite. 

I love classic movies, fashion, literature, art, and traveling. I practice veganism, but I am not judgmental towards others like other vegans are, and, on January 26th 2013, I will be walking through the doors of LAX and walking out of the doors at Incheon International Airport. In other words, I am moving to Seoul, South Korea.

  • Why Seoul? Why South Korea? Do I love Korean pop music?
No, not really. I think I only know about one or two songs simply because my friend loves Big Bang.

  • Am I secretly in love with any Korean actors?
No, my knowledge in that field is even worse.

  • Then why are you going?
The reason I am moving to South Korea is so I can travel. I want to travel throughout Asia.  I have always wanted to travel throughout Asia ever since I saw the movie My Neighbor Totoro when I was either four or five. I have always been fascinated with that movie so when I found the opportunity for me to achieve it, I went for it. Starting February, I will be teaching English and Spanish in Seoul, but my main goal is that I will be taking side trips to other countries whenever I can.

Now I know I wrote something earlier that might cause some alarms. Yes, I am a vegan. Yes, I am moving to South Korea. How do I plan on successfully pulling this off? Well, even though it seems hard, it also seems doable. So far, this what I’ve done and figured out to prepare for the trip…
1. I have researched several blogs which list the best restaurants and cafes to eat at that are vegan friendly
a. This will make it easy if I am going out with friends, and some of them offer snack foods as well! I don’t have to be super healthy all the time!
2. I plan on bringing some necessitates (nutritional yeast, etc.)
     a. Just to help out if I can’t find anything with a lot of   
3. I plan on buying a mostly vegetables and fruit at the stores.
     a. Every place sells that no matter where you are.
4. Anything else that I desperately need or want can be and will be bought online.
     a. Go!

I know being a vegan might be hard or extremely frustrating while I am in South Korea, but I am at a stage where it is difficult to enjoy or eat any form of meat. I want to still be true to who I am, and this will still make the trip not so hard.

So, to answer the last of the first three questions, this is what this blog is about. It is a combination of everything. This blog is about me, my life in South Korea, my travels, and my struggles to sustain my vegan lifestyle. It is my way to still keep some connection to my friends and family, but also, just maybe, it is a way for me to connect to someone somewhere out there. It is my way of connecting to the strangers of the world, and it is my way to document my journey into the unknown and scary.

So hi, my name is Ellie, and this is my blog.

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